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The nurturing ministries of the congregation shall give attention to but not be limited to education, worship, Christian formation, membership care, small groups, and stewardship. Attention must be given to the needs of individuals and families of all ages. -- Book of Discipline ¶ 252

Wedding Services

Our pond, with a fountain and gazebo, are a photographer's dream and a perfect wedding backdrop!  We offer traditional services inside of our sanctuary and pond-side services for our spring and summer brides.

Three pre-marital counseling sessions are provided by our pastor, where the couple is given an opportunity to explore each other and discuss their future.

Wedding registration form and fees are available upon request.

Sunday School

Sunday School is available for children grades pre-k through high school.  All children meet in the church at 10:00 and are taken to class following Wiggle Time (Children's Message).

Sunday School




It is such a blessing to witness the sacrament of holy baptism.  If you are interested in being baptized or have a child that you would like baptized, please contact our church office.


Worship Services

Sunday Morning services are at 8:30 AM and 10:00 AM.

Eccumenical services are offered during various holiday seasons.  Each Wednesday during Lent a different church in our community hosts a soup dinner and service.  Ash Wednesday, Good Friday and Thanksgiving services are also Eccumenical.

Two Christmas Eve services are offered each year on December 24 at 7:00pm and 10:00pm.  At 7:00, we have our Family Service, which highlights our children in the Christmas Story, while 10:00 is a more traditional candlelight service, featuring our choir and message by Rev. Diane Pacione.

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