Hosting Superstorm Sandy Recovery Teams
Once you've stayed with us, you're family.

Dec. 8 - 12, 2012

April 4-12, 2013

Dec. 8 - 12, 2012
Early Response Teams and Recovery Teams have been coming in from all over the country to help us build A Future With Hope.
Superstorm Sandy changed the landscape of our state forever. There was sand instead of streets, roller coasters in the ocean, and so much water in the streets you had to row instead of walk or drive. Through UMCOR, United Methodist Churches from around the nation have been rallying to help. These are the teams that we have hosted beginning in December, 2012 right up to the present day. We will continue to host teams for approximately 4-6 years until the clean-up/rebuilding effort is finished. God Bless those who have come to help. You are truly the hands and feet of Jesus Christ.
Our team from Latrobe United Methodist Church (Latrobe, PA) reflects on their time in New Jersey doing hurricane recovery work.